I have been interested in Docker for a while, however this year 's focus has mainly been on cyber security studies so I have not had much time to study software development, but it's an area I want to learn more about. My lovely wife has purchased some coding books for me this year for Christmas I believe :)
My interest in Docker I suppose comes from two aspects, firstly from the software design aspect, to understand how Docker works and secondly , if I put my 'black hat' on, I want to understand the vulnerabilities in Docker containers and how they can be hacked.
I also have a strong interest in machine learning and AI so this project is perfect for me. I am going to pull a docker container from Jupyter Notebooks that uses Tensorflow.
$ docker search tensorflow
$ docker pull jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
Once our docker image has downloaded lets run it
$ docker run -p 8000:8888 jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
To explain the flag above we need to tell the image to run the port of our choosing, in this case I am running it on port 8000 and then I specify the port that was specified in the container image, port 8888.
Navigating now to localhost:8000 in our browser shows us our instance of Jupyter Notebooks running from the container.
Now we need the token, back to the terminal and copy the token from the URL
Next we paste that in to the Jupyter Notebook password/token box and we should be in!
From here we can start a new Notebook and start playing around with Jupyter and Tensorflow