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How to Secure A Linux Ubuntu Web Server with Cryptographic Authentication Keys

In today's article Im going to explain how to setup cryptographic authentication keys for Linux.

Our environment is VirtualBox and we have a Linux Ubuntu server with Apache2 installed and a Windows 10 machine, we also have a Windows Server 2022 machine. These are running on my intel Apple iMac within Virtual Box. I have setup a NAT network and all VM's have been attached to the NAT network so that they can communicate with each other and the internet. Description

SSH is a secure communication protocol that allows two machines to communicate over a network. In this lab example we have Linux web server running Ubuntu and Apache 2. We are using a Windows 10 machine to SSH into the Linux machine and perform actions on the Linux server.

By default, SSH uses the Linux user’s password to authenticate and either grant or deny access. The problem with this is that in theory any password, no matter how secure it is could be brute forced, particularly with the advent of super powered GPU’s available in the cloud and with the advent of quantum computing in the not too distant future. By removing password authentication and enabling a cryptographic private and public key authentication we are essentially only allowing the authorised computer (with the matching key) access to the Linux server. This public/private key can be backed up to a secure USB or a non-networked machine or drive if desired.

Prerequisites: Windows 10 standalone machine fully updated.

Linux Ubuntu with Apache 2 installed.

Both VM’s inside VirtualBox on a NAT network (this is how your lab should be setup anyway)

Start both machines and perform a ping from Windows to Linux (don’t bother other way around as the Windows firewall blocks ICMP packets by default). Assuming you get a response, continue. If you do not get a response, you will need to fix your NAT Network settings first.

In my commands below I create a non-root user, “davidgilmore” – replace my chosen username with yours.

Preparing the Linux Machine (many commands may require sudo)

Switch to the root user in the Terminal like this:

$ su

Insert your password and then you can use sudo in any of the subsequent commands.

Open the terminal

$ ip a

Make note of your IP address

Add a standard account (I am using my full name in this example)

$ adduser davidgilmore

$ usermod -aG sudo davidgilmore

Install SSH Server

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Check SSH installed

$ ssh -v

$ sudo systemctl start ssh

Check UFW Firewall not blocking ssh port 22

S$ sudo ufw allow ssh

Check you can ssh from windows (the > symbol just denotes the PS command prompt)

Open Powershell

Type “yes” to accept adding the connection

Enter the password for that username

You should now see the Linux command prompt - $

Close Powershell

Create a .ssh folder on Ubuntu

Back to the Linux terminal

$ su – davidgilmore

$ mkdir /home/davidgilmore/.ssh

Change .ssh folder permissions

$ chmod 700 /home/davidgilmore/.ssh

Edit ssh permissions

$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Remove the hash (to uncomment the entry) and add ‘no’ at the end: PasswordAuthentication no

Again uncomment and add no at the end :

PermitRootLogin no

Now press CTRL + X on your keyboard

Select Y to overwrite and close Nano

Restart shh server

$ sudo systemctl restart sshd

Create the authentication keys

Open PowerShell (leave off the > symbol below, this just denotes the PowerShell command line)

> ssh-keygen -b 4096

Powershell will return a message “Enter file in which to save the key” Just press enter

Press enter to leave creating a password as blank (DO NOT ENTER A PASSWORD)

Enter again

> cd .ssh

> dir

You will now see your two keys and a host file.

Publish the key to the Linux server

Enter this command as one line with a space after

> scp $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\ davidgilmore@

This will securely publish the key to the Linux machine.

Now close PowerShell and re-open (just be sure no caching of login information)

If the key is installed properly, you will have access straight away to the Linux server and will see the command prompt $. If you have not set this up properly you will either not have access or you may be asked for a password.

Let’s test our authentication keys by trying to login with an unauthorised device

Shut down the windows 10 standalone machine

Boot any other machine you have on the same network (remember it must be on the same NAT Network)

Open PowerShell

Your connection should be refused.

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